Ministerios Antes del Fin

La página de los Cristianos Hispanohablantes
"Gracias por hacernos su página" - Dawlin Ureña

15 artículos más recientes
Pacifismo. ¿Raíces verdaderas?
Relación con Dios. ¿Pasos?
Para niños. ¡Actualizado!
La pornografía en el matrimonio
El Corán versus el Génesis
Niño, violencia y la TV
Sermón MP3: Herencia valores
El Dragón y la Mujer
Ciencia: Métodos y limitaciones
Israel, Palestinos y Europa
Palestinos ¿Por qué el suicidio?
Cómo estudiar la Biblia
El Diezmo. Sermón en MP3. 4MB
Iglesia: ¡No Gran Tribulación!
Tribulación. ¿Segunda oportunidad?

Dios a Israel:
"Bendeciré al que te bendiga
Maldeciré al que te maldiga.

¿Buscando a Dios?

Noticias del 2001 / Noticias del 2002 / Noticias del 2003
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Declaran "Guerra Santa" contra "Sionistas y Cruzados"
Evidence for design. Your Brain is Connected to the Creation by Matter
Creation, as we perceive it with our five senses, is matter occupying space since the beginning of time. The senses of sight, hearing and smell are thought of as non contact senses whereas taste and touch are perceived as requiring direct contact with matter. In reality, all five of your senses require direct contact with matter. Within each of your senses are receptors sensitive to specific characteristics of matter.

Physical Philosophy of the Creation
At the time of Christ, Greek philosophy had penetrated the entire Mediterranean region. This includes the philosophy of science. The following scriptures refer to all philosophy including man's reasoning on the earth, the heavens and the universe. Although I accept most science in practice, I always bear in mind that a man who reasons about the creation without consideration of God's inspired scripture will eventually leave the observed and present their speculations as science. History shows that applying scientific methods to theories does not always yield an accurate conclusion. For this reason, it is wise to weigh all science against scripture.

The sons of God mentioned in Genesis 6:4?
Have these supernatural beings interfered somehow in the life of the planet? Please do not miss reading this fascinating study by Prof. Dawlin A. Urena in connection with these mysterious "Sons of God" mentioned in the Bible

Will the Church go through the Great Tribulation
What does the Bible teach about the Rapture? Is the word Rapture mentioned anywhere in the Bible? What would be a possible scenario when this Rapture takes place? Will the Rapture take place before, during or after the Great Tribulations? Have there been Raptures before?

Important Message from Pastor Dawlin Ureña
These links are provided without endorsing partially or totally their content. It is impossible for me to supervise all these sites in order to endorse them. I trust the Holy Spirit will guide you and will indicate you what is profitable and what is not profitable. - Dr. Ureña

Would you like to know how to be saved?

The Omega Letter. One of the best sources for responsible Bible prophecy
Links to Creationist Sites: Good ones! (English and Spanish)
Other interesting resources
Are you Rapture Ready?
Dr. Jack Van Impe and his End Times Ministry
Rev. Pat Robertson and his 700 Club
Dr. James Kennedy and his Coral Ridge Ministries
Hal Lindsey´s Oracle


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Otros sitios del
Pastor Ureña
Jóvenes en la Roca
Fe Islámica
El Arrebato
Antes del Rapto

Destrución de Damasco
El Falso Profeta
Fusible de Armagedón
Chispa de Armagedón
Sello Bestia
Terrorismo y el 666
El Rapto
Templo en Jerusalén
El Tiempo de Dios
Rusia y Armagedón
¡Israel y sus amiguitos!


(Gracia, Salvación, Pornografía, Pecado, Dinosaurios, Masturbación, Nephillim, Perdón, Cash Luna, sexualidad, etc.)

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